Prices, salaries, cost of living in Houston, Texas (June 2022)Cost of living and prices in Houston, Texas (June 2022) for food, local transport, taxi, fruits, vegetables, utilities, services, gasoline, apartment rent (one, two, and three bedrooms), internet, average cafe bill, average monthly net salary, and more. The average cost of living in Houston, Texas (June 2022) for a family or couple is $3500-5000 per month.
Basic living expenses in Houston, Texas (June 2022) based on the average salary
Rent Per Month
Markets and food
Restaurants and cafes
Transportation and petrol expenses
Utilities (Monthly)
Other expenses
Apartments for Rent in Houston, Texas (June 2022)
One bedroom apartment, city center = $1570/per month
One bedroom apartment, outside of centre= $1160/per month
Average rent one-bedroom = $1200/per month
Average rent two-bedroom = $1620/per month
Real estate prices in Houston, Texas. Buy Apartment Price. (June 2022)
Prices per square meter, city center = $3300
Prices per square meter, outside of centre= $1670
Prices for services, cafes, restaurants, utility bills in Houston (June 2022)
Mobile connection = $0.23/1 minute of conversation